Small Groups
Small groups at Washington Heights function under the leadership and guidance of those trained in small group leadership. Each group is designed to embrace elements foundational to the New Testament church:
- The Word of God
- Koinonia – fellowship, care and support
- Service and/or community impact
Small groups are not intended to be a replacement for Adult Bible Fellowships, but serve a specific three-fold purpose:
- Small Group Bible Study – interaction is primary
- Service/Community Impact – a growing church is a serving church
- Fellowship – support and care – the place for true accountability and transparency
Listed below are the small groups that are meeting currently. Please contact the church office if you would like more information.
Home Groups
Home Groups offer the benefit of meeting in small, cross-generational gatherings in the relaxed environment of a home. A typical evening includes food (carry-in meal or snack/dessert) and fellowship, a time of prayer and sharing, and stimulating discussion. Call the church office for more information.
Praise Hymn Services (not currenlty being offered)
A nostalgic service of the Singspiration variety with biblical teaching.
Col 2:7 Discipleship
Utilizing the Navigators' Colossians 2:7 material, we desire to assist believers in developing a deeper walk with God. We desire to bring consistency into one's daily quiet time with the Lord, through enriching Bible studies, Scripture memory and group interaction. The goal is to get the Word of God into our lives so that it can draw us into a more intimate relationship with God and His Son Jesus Christ. Weekly meetings over a period of about 8 months in a small group of 8-10 help facilitate this interaction.
ALPHA: Explore Life | Faith | Meaning
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Each session includes dinner, a video presentation and discussion time.
If you are interested in learning about these unique groups, contact the church office at 434-4676 or email for more information.