Our Global Focus
Commitment to missions is at the heart of all we do at Washington Heights. It is our desire to address missions in a balanced manner, as we reach those around us with the gospel here at home as well as around the world. We trust these links to the right will give you a glimpse of our missions program
Washington Heights is a Supporting Church
Since its founding, Washington Heights has been a church committed to missions. Over 67 individuals and families, and eight organizations receive support that totals over $200,000 annually. The links to the right in this section show a personal and sacrificial commitment to take the good news everywhere.
Washington Heights is a Sending Church
Over the years we have been the sending church for many full-time missionary individuals and several families. We have also been active in sending short-term adult and youth teams all over the United States and the world. More than 67 teams have served in construction, ministry and medical roles in the last 37 years. Our youth ministry also sends a missions team every summer.
Washington Heights is a Strategic Church.
In the summer of 2007, members of our congregation started on a journey to be more intentional in our witness. Jesus gave the pattern for mission, work when He said in Acts 1:8 — "You shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you. And you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth." The church secured a partnership with Global Focus, and since that time we have started a process whereby we can help people identify their unique giftedness and encourage them to identify how to use their gifts to build up the body of Christ and to impact the world...whether it is across the street or around the world.
Three teams of people have been mobilized to focus on the following Acts 1:8 geographic distinctions:
- Jerusalem - Dayton, OH and surrounding areas
- Judea/Samaria - Ohio and the United States
- Ends of the Earth - the rest of the world
These teams meet regularly and are personally engaged with people and ministries within their region.