Washington Heights Baptist Church



Author: Roger Jensen Published April 1, 2014
Categories Personal, News, Family,

Welcome to the WHBC Staff Blog!

I’m Roger Jensen and I lead the Senior Adult Ministries, better known as Young at Heart. As a student in High School and College, no one would have ever dared to call me a communicator or writer. However, at that time the Lord began preparing me for this role.

I was on the wrestling team in high school in Kenosha, Wisconsin and was a horrible student in English and French. As a result my French and English teachers ‘convinced’ me that either I drop off of the team or fail those subjects. I followed their advice since I wanted to graduate, eventually! As a result, I have never since been much in the way of sports. I do enjoy watching an occasional game but don’t really follow any specific teams.

I began my career with NCR as a Service Technician. Because of that career, I saw the world and also began being involved in Communications.  Actually, I even wrote a book on communications but it was a technical one involving Telecommunication.  I started my NCR career in Rockford, Illinois (where the Lord led me to Nancy) then received my computer training in Denver (where I was trained by the infamous Harold Wuebben) and was transferred to Rapid City, South Dakota (where I serviced computers for the US Air Force). While I lived and worked in Rapid City, Nancy and I were married.

Later, I was fortunate to receive additional computer training here in Dayton, where I again renewed the relationship with Harold Wuebben as we attended Washington Heights. While here for training, someone asked if I would be interested in transferring to Dayton as a Technical Writer. I had never written more than letters to Nancy (one every day that we were apart throughout our long two year engagement period) and really never thought of being a writer but I was interested in “moving up the corporate ladder”, so we accepted the offer.

During my short career as a writer (four years), I wrote or revised over 40 books, almost all of them very technical. Later, I worked for Harold Wuebben as a Technical Specialist, where I wrote Technical Service Bulletins and supported the field technicians throughout the USA. None of these experiences made me a great communicator but were all certainly led by the Lord and were additional preparation for what I do now. I continued to write and give presentations and speeches throughout my career with NCR.  Writing experiences changed to writing specifications for new products, mostly ATMs, and going on the circuit around the world promoting our products as a Senior Product Manager with NCR.
There was one final change the Lord had to perform for my current ministry. I became OLD!  

So, here I am leading the Senior Ministry – Young@Heart, writing Newsletters and a Blog.  As one of our much younger pastors used to say, “I LOVE MY JOB!”

Check out our Young at Heart Blog and join Young@Heart if you are retirement age!

Join us this Sunday for worship – 9:00am and 10:30am