News & Events
What’s Next Updates
The committee will frequently update the church on their progress by utilizing this page, sending email communications, and using Sunday morning announcements.
Installation Service | January 12
Join us Sunday, January 12, for a very special service in the life of our church. We will be celebrating the beginning of Pastor Scott Ryan’s time here with a special installation service. The service will include a guest speaker, retired Pastor Darrell Messer, sharing a charge to Scott and our congregation; a time in prayer as a body; and ending with the commissioning of Scott to lead us into the next phase of ministry here at Washington Heights.
The schedule for that Sunday will be modified from our normal format:
9:00 a.m.
All ABFs, youth, and JAM City programs
No Worship Service
10:30 a.m.
ALL adults, youth, and kids (1st-6th grade) attend the unified installation service.
No ABFs or youth
JAM City programming available for birth-Kindergarten
Following the installation service we will have a reception for the Ryans in the Activity Center, with light refreshments. Please RSVP HERE so we can plan ahead on food.
This is the first time in 30 years that we have had the opportunity to install a new lead pastor here at WHBC. We are grateful to Pastor Dave for his years of faithful service and we are excited to enter a new phase under Pastor Scott’s leadership. I hope you can join us for this special Sunday!
Special Campaign | "Ryans to Ohio" Moving Fund
Sunday, november 24
The deacon board has approved a special campaign to cover costs of moving the Ryan family to Ohio. The "Ryans to Ohio" fund will cover a vast range of expenses that will help WHBC get the family from Oklahoma to Ohio. To donate to this special fund, envelopes are available at the "What's Next" display, or donate through our website.
A team of people from WHBC may be needed to drive the moving truck from Oklahoma to Ohio. Let us know if you are interested in being part of this team.
Contact Justin Hoppe
Prayer Focus | NOVEMBER
wednesday, november 6
Pray for our congregation
I John 5:14-15
- Praise the Lord for an overwhelming vote of confidence to call Pastor Ryan.
- Pray for hearts of flexibility, anticipation, and patience as we enjoy a season of newness and change.
- Pray for servant hearts as we anticipate serving the Ryan family in their move and transition to this new ministry.
- Pray for continued faithful service to all of our various ministry responsibilities.
Pray for the Ryan Family
Philippians 1:9-12
- Pray for the preparation and sale their home; the moving and packing process; the purchase of a new home.
- Pray for a sweet time of fellowship as they finalize their ministry at Crestview Church.
- Pray for Chrisina's parents.
Pray for Crestview Church
I Peter 4:10-11
- Pray their confidence in the Lord and His grace will be strengthened.
- Pray for strong leaders to shoulder the many responsibilities of this transition.
- Pray for a smooth transition of duties to church leadership and volunteers.
Complete November Prayer Guide is available HERE.
Lead Pastor Announced | October 27, 2024
Sunday, October 27
WHBC enthusiastically voted "yes" to extend the call of lead pastor to Scott & Chrisina Ryan, during the Annual Business Meeting. Scott accepted the call and shared they have seen God working throughout this process. They were overjoyed to hear of the overwhelming support of WHBC members and are excited to serve Washington Heights.
Any further updates with be shared as they become available.
Candidate Weekend | October 18-20, 2024
Sunday, October 6
Our candidate for lead pastor was announced and a weekend visit has been scheduled. Several events have been planned giving our WHBC families opportunities to meet Scott Ryan and his family.
October schedule of events available here.
below is brief outline of the schedule
see link to October schedule of events (above) for full details
Friday, October 18
- Open Forum (2-4 p.m.)
- Open Forum (7-9 p.m.)
Childcare and student events available for this session only
Saturday, October 19
- Ladies Gathering (1-2 p.m.)
- Open Forum (7-9 p.m.)
Sunday, October 20
- No ABFs or New Heights Youth.
- JAM City programs will run as usual both hours.
9:00 a.m. - Q&A Service (with Scott & Chrisina Ryan; Review of process and introduction)
10:30 a.m. - Worship Service (Scott Ryan preaching)
6:00 p.m. - Evening Service (Scott Ryan preaching)
Register for events using the following links:
Prayer Focus | OCTOBER
wednesday, October 9
Pray for our congregation and committee
Begin with Praise and Thanksgiving - Psalm 106:1
- Praise God for His goodness and guidance throughout this process and offer thanks for our servant-volunteers.
- Seek oneness as we ask God’s direction.
- Examine ourselves before God as we seek to discern and yield to His purposes (Romans 8:26)
- Ask the Lord, to bring our expectations in line with His desires.
- Commit ourselves to loving, Christlike responses and conversations (Eph. 4:2)
Pray for the candidate
- Pray for Pastor Ryan and his family as they endeavor to discern God’s will.
- Pray for peace of mind and reliance on the Lord.
- Pray for the Ryan children: Elijah, Sadriana, and Karis. That they would experience the Lord’s comfort and begin to feel a sense of excitement as they watch God’s plan unfold.
Complete October Prayer Guide is available HERE.
Video Introduction to candidate and his family
Monday, September 30
On Sunday, September 29, our search committee shared they have unanimously agreed to pursue one candidate and announced there will be a video introduction of the candidate and his family on Sunday morning, October 6. A modified morning schedule will allow us to come together and learn more about our candidate. Please join us on Sunday, October 6.
Schedule for Sunday, October 6
- 9:00-10:05 a.m.
Worship Service, ABFs, and Children’s programming (JAM City)
- 10:10-10:40 a.m.
Video introduction to candidate and family
- 10:45-11:45 a.m.
Worship Service, ABFs, New Heights Youth, and Children’s programming (JAM City)
Search Committee Announces Phase V
Wednesday, September 4
On Sunday, September 1, our search committee announced that we have entered Phase V. As the committee works through these next steps, they continue pursuing references, completing background and credit checks, and coordinating timing with the candidate.
Our God is good and continues to direct us during this process. Please pray for the members of our search committee, the candidate, and for each other during this time. Praise God for His faithfulness and goodness at WHBC.
Examples of tasks likely to be completed in Phase V.
- Introduction to the Deacons.
Plan and announce an official candidate weekend visit.
Possible agenda during a weekend visit:-
Meet all WHBC staff and deacons.
Cottage meetings
Meetings with various ministries
Worship Teams
GO Team
ABF teachers
Cottage Meetings
Preach both services.
Meet with search committee.
If all goes well, present candidate to church for vote by members.
Extend offer to candidate.
If Answer is “NO” (from either the candidate or the church) move to next candidate. Restart Phase IV – Step 2.
Prayer Focus | SEPTEMBER
september 1, 2024
Pray for our congregation
A Spirit of Celebration
- As we say good-bye to Pastor Dave and Wendy this month, let us celebrate their 29 years of faithful service to WHBC and God’s amazing goodness and blessing to us through them. Let us rejoice together in praise to our God. (Psalm 126:3)
Pray for the search committee
A Spirit of Humility
Pray that the committee serves with a spirit of humility, seeking only what is best for our church above any personal desires. (Philippians 2:3,4)
Pray for the candidate
God’s Will Accomplished
- Pray that the Lord will accomplish His perfect will in the life of each potential candidate. Pray that He directs them to the place of service He has for them. (Psalm 32:8 and Isaiah 30:21)
Complete September Prayer Guide is available HERE.
Prayer Focus | AUGUST
August 1, 2024
Pray for the congregation
A Spirit of Joy
- Pray the Lord will give us a spirit of joy as we look ahead to the future with anticipation to all that He has in store for us. (Romans 15:13)
Pray for the search committee
Wise Judgement
- Pray the Lord gives the members of the search committee wise judgement as they juggle extra responsibilities of the search with their own spiritual growth and life responsibilities.
Pray for the candidates
Wise Counsel
- Pray the candidates seek wise counsel while considering a new place of ministry. (Proverbs 1:5)
Complete August Prayer Guide is available HERE.
Pastor Dave and Wendy Kisner Announce Retirement Date
July 12, 2024
Pastor Dave Kisner and Wendy have set September 29 as their official last day at WHBC. It has been a priviledge to have them serve the families and community of WHBC for over 28 years. Plans are underway to honor Dave and Wendy. Details will be posted HERE. We pray you can join us in celebrating Dave's retirement and honoring their service.
Prayer Focus | JULY
july 3, 2024
Pray for the congregation
Words of Encouragement
- Pray the Lord will help each of us guard our speech regarding the search process and help us to use our words to encourage one another toward godliness.
Pray for the search committe
Perseverence and Patience
- Pray the Lord will help the committee to persevere during the search process and the additional strain on their schedules. Pray that they would be patient and willing to wait for your perfect timing.
Pray for the candidate
Man of the Word
- Pray the Lord will raise up a godly man of the Word to serve as our next lead pastor who demonstrates Christ's lordship in his life and who stands with integrity in the community.
Complete july Prayer Guide is available HERE.
Prayer Focus | JUNE
may 29, 2024
Pray for the congregation
Yielded to the Lord’s Direction
- Pray for our congregation to be yielded to the Lord’s direction as we prepare our hearts for new pastoral leadership.
Pray for the search committee
- Pray the committee will have wisdom from the Lord as they evaluate the various submitted resumes.
Pray for the candidate
Forthright communication
- Pray the various applicants answer the questions in a forthright manner so the committee can get an accurate picture of each candidate.
Complete june Prayer Guide is available HERE.
Lead Pastor | Position Snapshot
May 5, 2024
The job posting is now live on various websites. Interested applicants can learn more about our lead pastor position here.
May 5, 2024
Phase I complete, Phase II begins
Examples of tasks likely to be completed during Phase II.
Post Job Opening to various outlets (; Indeed; Christian University/College job boards; OARBC job board; reach out to contacts in other ministries)
Identify process for evaluating candidates.
Develop a questionnaire to be used during interview process.
Assess resumes and identify candidates to be pursued further.
Communicate with candidates who are in process.
Prayer Focus | May
may 1, 2024
Pray for the congregation
Continued Faithful/Sacrificial Service
Pray that we as a congregation continue to serve sacrificially and faithfully during this transition period.
Pray for the search committee
Unity and Oneness
Pray that the Lord uses the unique strengths and insights of the individuals on the committee to meld us into one unified body for His glory.
Pray for the candidate
Pray that the Lord would begin preparing the heart and mind of the man He will bring to us. Pray that when the time comes, the call of God to consider the lead pastor position will be clear to him.
Complete may Prayer Guide is available HERE.
April 30, 2024
SUMMARY - Church Survey Results for Pastoral Search
April 10, 2024
The pastoral search committee would like to offer two additional opportunities for those who were unable to hear the presentation of the Pastoral Search Survey results last Sunday (in ABFs). Please join members of the search committee in the dining room during either the 9 or 10:30 a.m. services this Sunday, April 14. The presentations will take approximately 45 minutes and begin at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. respectively.
April 3, 2024 (a pdf of the Pastoral Search Phases is available HERE)
Phase I: Completed Tasks
Search Committee (SC) approved by deacons and presented to the Church, January 2024.
The SC began meeting to organize, select leadership positions, and make initial assignments.
Develop and communicate a church-wide prayer focus.
Create, implement, and analyze the church survey.
Report results of the survey to the church.
Develop and communicate the church-wide communication plan including the “What’s Next” section of the church website.
Create an outline of the phases involved in the search process.
Develop a church profile so candidates can get to know WHBC; use this to produce a church brochure/packet to give to candidates.
Develop a pastoral profile/job description based on feedback from church via the survey.
Develop a mechanism for receiving resumes from candidates.
Examples of tasks likely to be completed during Phase II.
Post Job Opening to various outlets (; Indeed; Christian University/College job boards; OARBC job board; reach out to contacts in other ministries)
Identify process for evaluating candidates.
Develop a questionnaire to be used during interview process.
Assess resumes and identify candidates to be pursued further.
Communicate with candidates who are in process.
Examples of tasks likely to be completed in Phase III.
Access sermon archives.
Evaluate candidate's role in current ministry.
Send questionaire (Phase I - step 10) to candidates.
Zoom/in-person meetings/interviews.
Contact candidate references.
Examples of tasks likely to be completed in Phase IV.
Develop process to prioritize candidates.
Pursue top candidate:
Visit current ministry.
Gather additional reference checks.
Perform background check.
Make a detailed assessment of all data.
Invite candidate to visit with committee.
Visit with candidate’s family.
Determine if top candidate should be presented to deacons.
Examples of tasks likely to be completed in Phase V.
- Introduction to the Deacons.
Plan and announce an official candidate weekend visit.
Possible agenda during a weekend visit:-
Meet all WHBC staff and deacons.
Cottage meetings
Meetings with various ministries
Worship Teams
GO Team
ABF teachers
Cottage Meetings
Preach both services.
Meet with search committee.
If all goes well, present candidate to church for vote by members.
Extend offer to candidate.
If Answer is “NO” (from either the candidate or the church) move to next candidate. Restart Phase IV – Step 2.
Prayer Focus | April
April 3, 2024
Pray for the congregation
- Love for God's Word - Please ask the Lord to give us an increasing love for His Word, because through His Word, we gain the understanding we need. (Ps. 119:103, 104)
- Submission to One Another - As we begin our pastoral search, let us ask the Lord to give us hearts of submission toward one another. (Ephesians 5:21)
Pray for the search committee
- Cohesion and Clarity in our Communication - Pray that the Holy Spirit brings a sweet cohesion within the committee and pray that all communication between the church family, the committee, and future pastoral applicants is clear and accurate. (I Corinthians 1:10)
Complete april Prayer Guide is available HERE.
March 5, 2024 - FAQs
A list of FAQs compiled by the search committee.
31-Day Prayer Guide
Copies of the prayer guide are available in the foyer and HERE.
Please use this guide, each month, throughout the entire search process. Begin with number one on the first day of each month and continue through the month, praying for one request each day.
Ephesians 6:18 “And pray in Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”
Prayer Focus | March
Pray for the congregation
- Purity and Confession - Let us ask God to purify us as a congregation and as individuals, as we approach His throne, we do so with clean hearts. (Ps. 51:10; Ps. 24:3&4)
- Reverence for God - Let us ask God to increase our reverence (fear) of Him for He guides those who fear Him. (Ps. 25:12, 14)
Pray for the search committee
- Please pray for the Holy Spirit’s leading as the committee develops the church and candidate profiles, based on survey results and WHBC Official Documents. (James 1:5, 6b)
Complete March Prayer Guide is available HERE.
February 18, 2024
- Q&A Open Forum | Sunday, February 18 at 6 p.m.
- Complete your survey | February 18 (paper copies due in office); February 19 online deadline.
February 9, 2024
Last Sunday, February 4, we heard from Pastor Dave that it’s time to think about “what’s next” for Washington Heights. If you missed the announcement or didn’t receive your letter you can find all the information below.
We understand that this transition and the changes related to it can bring many questions to mind. To that end, all are invited to join Pastor Dave and members of the Search Committee on Sunday, February 18, at 6 the Worship Center for a Q&A Open Forum. If you have questions or comments for this forum, but are unable to attend, please forward those items to or There will also be a presentation to the ABFs on Sunday, February 25.
Prayer Focus | February
A guide is being developed for us to focus on specific prayer items each week.
This month we’ve been asked to focus on gratitude and thankfulness. Click HERE for the complete prayer guide.
On February 4, we announced the beginning of our "What's Next" journey, searching for the next lead pastor of WHBC. Our appointed search committee has begun its process of regular meetings, chaired by John Burkard. Each of the committee members has taken on roles that will move the group through the important task of identifying who the Lord will call to be our next lead pastor.
February 4, 2024
Letter to congregation, and WHBC family and friends, marking the beginning of our "What's Next" journey for our next lead pastor.
- Pray for the appointed search committee. For discernment and wisdom as they meet together, pray, and talk to candidates.
- Pray for protection of WHBC during the transition time.
- Pray for the man and family God has called to be our next lead pastor.
Appointed Search Committee
- John & Barb Burkard
- Paul & Julie DeLange
- Gerry & Misti Grimson
- Justin & Grace Hoppe
- Tim & Amanda Kwast
- Phil & Becky LaCasse
- David & Marlene Williams