Washington Heights Baptist Church


Two Worlds One Heart

Author: Rich McGhee Published April 22, 2014
Categories Personal, Family,

We came from two different worlds.

Yvonna was the oldest of three girls. Rich was second of four boys.

Music, art, books and gardens
Football, wrestling, roofing & working
Daily, sit-down mealtimes
Once in a while sit-down meals
Polite conversations
Animated debates
Extended family close by
Extended family miles away
One state, a couple of homes, seldom traveled
Three states, 7 homes, traveled a lot

But...God was at the heart of both our homes in those early years. Our parents lived out their faith, made faithfulness at church a priority, and modeled hospitality.

So, right from the start in our relationship, we had these values as a foundation. Probably the most defining characteristic of our ministry has been that of hospitality. It is, we believe, one of the most underestimated and most effective ways to communicate the love of God to others. And the rewards are great for the one who practices it too! 

Because of our diverse backgrounds, our early years of marriage required a steep learning curve for both of us. It was not always easy. Our experience in these areas challenged us to encourage others as they worked on building strong marriages. This has also motivated us to in our work with young couples.

Rich & Yvonna McGhee

Join us this Sunday for worship – 9:00am and 10:30am