Washington Heights Baptist Church


The Many Faces of the Church Office

Author: Staff & Volunteers Published April 29, 2014
Categories Personal,

Which of the following ladies have not been part of the office staff at Washington Heights?

a)      Marie Feustel

b)      Linda Thomas

c)       Carla Jones

d)      Jean Love

If you chose any of the above, you are wrong. All of these ladies have worked in the church office. We can add to that list Diana Waters, Amanda Kwast and former members Marion Fetzer and Linda Augustus to name a few. Josh Angliss, our current Online Communication Specialist, is not the first male office staff member. Eric Edem served as office manager.

 In 1999, when our daughter Jenni started college, I mentioned to Pastor Larry Bissett I was looking for a part time job. He hired me as the church housekeeper where I served for about 18 months then joined the office staff. He once asked me if there was anything he could do to make my job better. My reply was, “I can’t think of a thing unless you could pay me to stay at home!”

When the first church secretary was hired she used a typewriter and mimeograph machine to complete her tasks. Now we use computers and printers. While the methods and tools used have changed, our mission has not; To support the pastoral staff and ministries of Washington Heights in a way that furthers the gospel in our community and brings glory to God. 

Karen Hoppe

Join us this Sunday for worship – 9:00am and 10:30am